Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is Love?

I am working on the Walking In Love Art Installation project -- blessed to be in on the concept and start up stages.  I am waiting for time to quilt the background of my first 3 panels.  They're ready to zip onto the long-arm machine but my life hasn't settled to a place I can go do it.  While I move through these days before I get to the actual thread play time, I find myself living the theme.  Jim and I are providing a convalescent rehab facility for our son -- full service with a staff of 1!  As the weeks roll on, my view of this endeavor has shifted.  At first the emergency of the trauma he suffered was paramount -- full on adrenaline in watching and waiting with him in hospital, then managing care in our home.  However, I came to see what a privilege it is for me to have this work to do.  I have been given an opportunity to care for and serve this son of mine who as a child missed so much mothering from me.  The past is past but this moment in time is a gift.  During these months there have been so many days inhabited or visited by turmoil, excruciating and mind numbing pain, boredom from immobility and helplessness, despair, discouragement, depression, and rage.  Through all these days I have purposed to embody love and light, grace, mercy and peace.  This seemed the only way to stand in the face of it all.  Is this love?  walking in love?  I think so.  Now while I wait to get to my quilting, images have come to mind that portray a few of those days -- standing before a very tall wall and a rock or boulder in a river that swirls around it unmoved are two.

1 comment:

  1. in the site for learning more
